
When I was a child, my father told me several stories about his ancestry, which were repeated in very similar form by his older sister, Mary, in later years. According to his version, the McMellons were originally called McMillan and came from Scotland, in particular from the Galloway area in the lowlands. The story goes that the family were Covenanters, and consequently strictly anti-papist. However at some point, one of the descendants of these Covenanters married a catholic woman to the approbation of his family, who consequently disinherited him. In retaliation he changed his name to McMellon and converted to catholicism.

One of my first aims in researching my family history therefore, was to find out at what point the spelling rendering changed from McMillan to McMellon and whether there was any truth in the story of a family feud caused by these religious affiliations. My other aim was to try and trace the family roots back to a specific place in Scotland.  To date, I believe I have solved the first question but am still a long way from answering the second.

8 thoughts on “MCMELLON

  1. Very pleasantly surprised to learn that I lived and still own an apartment in Petraki Han where your ancestors once lived . I restored the building in 2007. The facades and interiors. I am still the manager of the building just to prevent that it falls into neglect again. The funny thing is that I just decided to paint the door to red colour, without knowing anything about it’s historical significance.

    I am a levantine origin Turkish citizen.

    Thanks for all the knowledge.

    Jeffrey Tucker


    • Hi Jeffrey,
      How wonderful to hear from you and how interesting! As it happens I have been in the process of translating and transcribing a memoir of one of our forebears who lived there for over 30 years and I hope to be able to post it up on this site in the near future. Do look out for it. I am also visiting Istanbul with some family soon and we are very excited to be staying in one of the Petraki apartments. Let me know if you would like to meet.
      Kind regards,


      • Hi Angela,
        Very nice to hear from you .
        I would love to have a tea together when you all come here .

        My phone Nr. : +905327486031

        All the Best

        Liked by 1 person

      • Hello, I believe I’m a relative of yours, through the Cottons. My family own HillTop Farm in Whittle-le-Woods. My father was John Cotton Robinson & was born at Hill foot cottage. His grandfather owned the quarries there. I’m Jane Robinson.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Dear Jane,
        Thank you so much for contacting me. I am delighted to finally make contact with a long lost relative from Whittle le Woods and I am amazed to hear that Hill Top Farm is still in the family. I have a load of questions so will email you privately to continue the conversation if that’s ok. Am I right in thinking your grandfather was Ross Cotton and so your father would have been the young John Cotton killed in action in WW1?
        I look forward to chatting further.


  2. Hello Angela,
    I hope you are well. I haven’t followed up on much ancestry for a while. I think it is about 10 years since we had contact?? We sadly lost my mum – the last Grandad Francis McMellons children in 2017 closely followed by my dad 10 days later. Mum had hand written some memories of her life and I have been writing these up.She writes about going over to Lytham to stay with Uncle Jack and Auntie May and how Jack put her on the handle bars of his bike and rode all the way back to Bamber Bridge when she wanted to go home! I have lost such a lot of documents and emails and it was only through trawling the internet I came across your site. Have you got any further with the McMellon history? I was chatting with my brother we have a couple of old photos of our Grandad (Francis) but wondering if there are any of Jack and Billy. It would be great if you fill me in with any news.
    All the best


    • Hi Pauline,
      How great to hear from you but I am so sorry to hear of your family bereavements. I had been thinking about trying to contact you again as I have been meaning to make a start on adding the paternal side of the family to this website. I will be in touch via your private email.
      Best Wishes,


  3. Hello Angela & Pauline, I have 2 paintings of Frank Mc Mellon’s, painted in 1925. They came from my Great Aunts, Eleanor & Molly Cotton. They will be of interest to you both. Jane Robinson

    Liked by 1 person

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